domain names

What is a domain name?

Most trademarks consisting of letters and/or numbers can also be registered as domain names. However, ownership of a trademark does not automatically confer ownership of the corresponding domain name. Therefore, to ensure complete protection of your trademark on the internet, it is important that you also register the domain name corresponding to your trademark on all those national, regional and generic domain name registers where you use - or intend to use - your trademark.

Un nome a dominio è costituito da una serie di caratteri seguita da un punto e da un’estensione. L’estensione è una stringa di caratteri (ad esempio .it, .asia, .praxi) corrispondente al registro nel quale il nome a dominio viene iscritto.

Registered .it and .eu domain names are valid for one year, and can be renewed every year, with no maximum limit, while other domain name registers can have different rules regarding duration and renewals.

Domain name registration

Ownership of a trademark does not automatically confer ownership of the corresponding domain name. Therefore, to ensure complete protection of your trademark on the internet, it is important that you also register the domain name corresponding to your trademark on all those national, regional and generic domain name registers where you use - or intend to use - your trademark.

Top Level Domain

The Praxi group is one of the few Italian entities to have invested in the global regulatory body of the Internet ICANN's Global Top Level Domain (gTLD) Program, by registering the top level domain name .praxi.

It provides a stronger brand protection and defends the group from potential illicit use of the house mark: our .praxi websites provide a particularly secure environment to all visitors.